FICS - Application for computer accounts

If you want to have a computer account, please send an e-mail to with ALL of the following info (please use this as a form):

  1. Full name:
  2. Your FICS Handle:
  3. Requested Handle:
  4. Engine name:
  5. Programmer:
  6. Hardware:
  7. Software:
  8. Variant supported:
  9. Manual or automatic operation:
  10. Login times:
  11. Estimated rating:
  12. Main time control and variant:
  13. Reason for having a computer account:
Be sure to read the computers help file for the guidelines of a computer account. Be advised that the decision taken by the computer commitee is final and without appeal.

Here is the basis upon which computer accounts are granted:

Of course, the main criteria in deciding on which computer accounts are allowed is the current demand.