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Usage: eco [game_number, user_name, e <eco code>, n <nic code>]

The "eco" command is used to display the name of the opening of a chess game
and the opening  ECO and NIC codes. The game can be selected either by its
number or by the name of one of the players.

It is also possible to use the eco command to know what openings correspond
to a given ECO or NIC code.


no parameter if no parameter is used when invoking the eco command the name
             of the opening of the game you are currently playing, observing
             or examining will be displayed, togheter with its ECO and NIC
game_number  a game number as parameter will display the information about
             the opening of that particular game;
user_name    a user handle as parameter will display the information about
             the opening of the game that particular user is currently
             playing or examining;
e <eco code> will show what openings correspond to the selected ECO code and
             what their equivalent NIC codes are;
n <nic code> will show what openings correspond to the selected NIC code and
             what their equivalent ECO codes are;


 1. ECO is the Encyclopedia of Chess Openings classification.

 2. NIC is the New In Chess classification.

 3. When no ECO code is available the default value A00 is used.

 4. When no NIC code is available the default value --- is used.

 5. The eco command will report information on the opening of chess games
    only, when using eco to receive information about chess variants games,
    an error message will be sent by the server.


     will show information about the opening of the game you are currently
     playing, observing or examining. A typical display is:

                    Eco for game 143 ("MAd vs. pgv"):
                      ECO[  5]: C41.6
                      NIC[  5]: KP.08.2
                     LONG[  5]: Philidor: 3.d4

     The first line reports the game number, and the handles of the white and
     black players. This is followed by the ECO code, in this case 'C41.6',
     and the NIC code, in this case 'KP.08.2'. Finally the name of the
     opening is displayed, in this case it is a 'Philidor Defence, 3.d4
     variation.' The numbers in the brackets is the number of half-moves used
     to classify the game opening, according to each of the three categories.
eco MAd
     will show information about the opening of the game MAd is currently
     playing or examining. A typical display is identical to the one in the
     previous example.
eco 143
     will show information about the opening of game 143. A typical display
     is identical to the examples above.
eco e C99
     will show what openings correspond to the ECO code C99. The server
     display is similar to the following: 

  ECO: C99
  NIC: -----
 LONG: Spanish: Closed, Chigorin, 12...cxd4
  FEN: r1b2rk1/2q1bppp/p2p1n2/np2p3/3pP3/2P2N1P/PPBN1PP1/R1BQR1K1 w
  ECO: C99
  NIC: -----
 LONG: Spanish: Closed, Chigorin, 12...cxd4 13.cxd4
  FEN: r1b2rk1/2q1bppp/p2p1n2/np2p3/3PP3/5N1P/PPBN1PP1/R1BQR1K1 b
  ECO: C99
  NIC: -----
 LONG: Spanish: Closed, Chigorin, 13...Nc6 14.Nb3 a5 15.Be3 a4 16.Nbd2 Nb4 (reversed)
  FEN: r2qr1k1/ppbn1pp1/4bn1p/PN1pp3/1P2P3/3P1N2/2Q1BPPP/R1B2RK1 b
  ECO: C99
  NIC: -----
 LONG: Spanish: Closed, Chigorin, 13...Nc6 14.Nb3 a5 15.Be3 a4 16.Nbd2 Bd7 (reversed)
  FEN: r2qr1k1/ppbn1pp1/4bn1p/P2pp3/1P2P3/2NP1N2/2QBBPPP/R4RK1 b

     For each possible opening corresponding to the ECO code C99 its name and
     NIC code, when available, are given. The position that identifies the
     opening is also given in fen notation. 
eco n FR.04
     will show what openings correspond to the NIC code FR.04. The server
     display is:

         ECO: C10
         NIC: FR.04
        LONG: French: 3.Nc3 (reversed)
         FEN: r1bqkbnr/ppp2ppp/2n5/3pp3/3P4/4P3/PPP2PPP/RNBQKBNR w
         ECO: C10
         NIC: FR.04
        LONG: French: 3.Nc3
         FEN: rnbqkbnr/ppp2ppp/4p3/3p4/3PP3/2N5/PPP2PPP/R1BQKBNR b

     For each possible opening corresponding to the NIC code FR.04 its name
     and ECO code, when available, are given. The position that identifies
     the opening is also given in fen notation.
eco 100
     If game 100 is a bughouse chess game the following error message will be
     sent by the server:

                Eco is not supported for bughouse games.


Created: 23 January 1998 Friar
Last Modified: 7 February 2004 MAd

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